Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fire drills are more effective than Ex-Lax.

"The Drunkard" by Frank O'Connor

Hee hee, there's a little drunk boy in this one! I thought this story, compared to other's that we've read, was just overall "cute." It wasn't really deep. It didn't seek to make the reader drown in his own lucubrations. Then again, it was supposed to be humorous, and how deep can you really go with that? (That's what she said. Oh yes, that just happened.) Can humor be thought provoking? Maybe that's satire. I didn't say much, but this was eight sentences (minus content in parentheses).
Made in Germany.


  1. Heyheyheyheyhey, did you guys discuss the possible ethnic background of the family in this stoory? Because we thought maybe German or Irish. But I don't think it matters.

  2. They are definitely in Ireland. I'm pretty sure it says somewhere.

  3. did you include images in your posts? I can't see them, but there are tiny rectangles showing up.
