Thursday, December 2, 2010

Touch my bee!

"The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson

Many modern customs or rituals have developed from primitive origins (for example, the decoration of a Christmas tree). Can you identify some others? What would set them apart from the ritual stoning in this story?

The "can you identify some others" part of this three-pronged dealio reminds me of something that would be asked in first grade. Naturally, I picked it because it requires the least amount of effort. Let's see, there's dressing up on Halloween, having a turkey at Thanksgiving, and the Easter Bunny hiding eggs on Easter. Many of these are a blend of pagan and Christian traditions (all except the turkey). Such background sets these apart from ritual stoning because, well, no one dies. Odd as it may seem to the villagers, holidays are for celebration and not killing. Lottery Day may be a kind of "holiday" for them, but it's kind of a macabre way of going about it.

Listen to the blog frog.

1 comment:

  1. I am having difficulty saying "blog frog" in my head. But I will listen to him.
