Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Turban Tuesday!

So I thought this play was nice. I mean, it was cool and stuff because, yay black people and civil rights and stuff, but I feel like I've read many similar classics like it in that same niche of "I'm an African-American author writing about African-American struggles in a real, down-to-earth, yet entertaining way." To Kill A Mockingbird jumps to mind first. Though they're different, they're really the same. I really enjoyed To Kill A Mockingbird and I thought A Raisin in the Sun was pleasant, but I just felt some redundancies. I guess the best stories really have already been told, it's just the spin you put on it that makes it special. I've read countless hero cycle stories too, so I guess I can't complain too much. Meh. Mah thots r awwsum sumtimez.

We should read some boring Limey Literature next that doesn't include
William of Shakespeare.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I liked To Kill a Mockingbird. I feel like a criminal for not liking it sometimes. But I've read it three times, and it never has particularly struck (stricken??) my fancy. Fancy is not a noun. Where do we come up with this stuff?
