Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I motion to change "catfish" to "freakingradfish."

Identify the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s). Are there any foil characters? Etc, etc, etc...

Well, dearest question of brain-probeyness, Imma go out on a limb and say that dear Laura was our protagonist. But the kicker here is that Amanda, Tim, and the internal conflict of Laura and family issues were the antagonists. Dios mio, some-a those ain't peeple! Oh you're so complex, Tennessee Williams, with your intangible antagonists. But I did like the foil characters. Laura was a foil to Jim in that she was introverted and we all felt sad for her and Jim is all "I take night classes on speaking good [sic]," and Laura was a loner in high school and Jim was all popular and full of coolness. Though not a foil, an "anti-foil" (double negative? yes.) if you will, and you do will, was Tim and his father. It is made evident that they are incredibly alike in their nature for adventure, listlessness, and inclination to alkeyhol which makes us all like "ohhh nooooo, he gon' destrooy this here family by leavin' 'em all high and dry like." And he did leave them, but Laura blew out her candles, so it's cool everyone, don't freak out.

Also, this song will stay in your head for forever but is totally worth your time.


  1. This song will be the death of me. Or it will blow out the candles of my life or something. Is Laura dead? Because that would be random, but usually, when you think you see a euphemism, you're right. Except for when babies are being torn in half. Speaking of which, the library has Popular Mechanics magazines, and it freaks me out to check them in/out for people.

  2. Oh, I have my theory on the candles! It's a-comin'!
