Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tacoh No!

"'For you a thousand times over,' I heard myself say." pg 371

D'aww! What a cute ending! Amir has finally learned the meaning of selfless! My mimicking the mantra of Hassan to Hassan's son, it kind of gives the story a full circle effect, which is sooo much better than a cliffha.... Hassan was very foiley to Amir because he gave himself fully and completely out of partly servitude, but I believe mostly out of love for his friend. Now Amir has forgiven himself and loves Sohrab much like a son and is willing to devote himself completely to him like Hassan did to Amir. It's the ciiiiiirccle of liiiiiiiiiiiife, and it moves us allllllll! Another motif that isn't really given by direct quotes is child rape. So that's pretty cool. Hassan really just had a bad luck streak in his family for that, I guess.

It's Poprah. 
This just made me roflcopter.

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