Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Big C Seemed Way Too Excited When Discussing This One...

"February" by Madge Atwood

The title (of the blog post) says it all. The gleam in Costello's eyes when discussing this...piece...was like two bright lighthouses shining in the night. I suppose it can be justified because the more we discussed the piece, the more I enjoyed it. In fact, it was one of my favorites for this unit because of its tone and familiar imagery. The coziness of staying in bed in a warm house during the cold, hard days of February provides an almost picturesque winter scene with the poet, scrawling in a journal about this time, then contemplating her cat that joins her up on the bed to "[tell] whether or not [she's] dead." Oh, that cat. With a more than vivid illustration, the speaker portrays the cat in a negative light during "February, month of despair...." and then compares humanity, making them no higher than animals, to the cat. ("It's all about sex and territory, which are what will finish us off in the long run.") Finally, after her tone of bitterness concerning love, sex, and procreation, she calls the cat (and people) to action so as not to be glum during the gray February days and make it something worthwhile.
Obviously the cat was a lolcat.


  1. Zzzouundzz, we both used LOLcats.

    It's interesting that this poem made you go, "Aahhhh, February =}..." and it made me go "Blaaaaahhhhhhhhh, Feeebruaryyyy =|."

  2. Well I liked the coziness. Annnnd "zounds" is a medieval interjection. Just so you know. =D

  3. Iiiiii was told it was from Calvin and Hobbes. Interesting. But I have limited experience with the Calvin and Hobbes, and I am very impressionable.
