Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Methyl Ethyl Ether - It's what's for dinner.

"Bartleby the Scrivener" by Herman Melville

Firstly offs, scrivener is a word of utmost cool-osity. Second offs, the story is about the narrator lawyer guy, not Bartleby. Now that we have that established (because it was only asked in every other "critical thinking" question) let's moveth on.

Soooo, this kind of reminded me of The Sun Also Rises in that the whole plot wasn't really a central element, more so the characterization. People even had the same negative reaction to it too! Have we been conditioned as a society that we must have something happening every single second of our lives to get instant gratification? Honestly yes, but who caaaares? Also, the name Bartleby reminds me of the Bartemaeus Trilogy which had the dumbest ending known to mankind. And other fun names like Turkey, Nippers, and Ginger Nut provide me with great amusement. In fact, it would not offend me at all if you called me Ginger Nut. However, it would be more productive and useful to call Matthew Blandford Ginger Nut. I propose this to be common practice. All in favor say "Turkey Nippers." All opposed may leave.


1 comment:

  1. Turkey Nippers.

    Your picture has a science in it. I am mystified.
