Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Exerting effort comes at the most inappropriate times.


"The taxi went up the hill, passed the lighted square, then on into the dark, still climbing, then levelled out onto a dark street behind St. Etienne du Mont, went smoothly down the asphalt, passed the trees and the standing bus at the Place de la Contrescarpe,  then turned onto the cobbles of the Rue Mouffetard. There were lighted bars and late open shops on each side of the street. We were sitting apart and we jolted close together going down the old street. Brett's hat was off. Her head was back. I saw her face in the lights from the open shops, then it was dark, then I saw her face clearly as we came out on the Avenue des Gobelins. The street was torn up and men were working on the cartracks by the light of acetylene flares. Brett's face was white and the long line of her neck showed in the bright light of the flares. The street was dark again and I kissed her. Our lips were tight together and the she turned away and pressed against the corner of the seat, as far away as she could get. Her head was down." pg. 33

This imagery comes at the beginning of the chapter. It vividly paints Paris at night during a pensive cab ride. The imagery also sets the mood of the chapter with brooding, dark tones. In addition, the complexities of Jacob and Brett's relationship are outlined in the first few moments the reader sees them interact. This comes complete with suppressed sexual tension and soap-operatic overacting of emotions. Everybody loves the hot-and-cold, loose cannon female interest. It's ARTISTIC. Go getcha' some Jakie. In other news, this came directly from Hemingway's inner emo.

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