Friday, July 9, 2010

You can't text message breakup.


"[The restaurant] was crowded with Americans and we had to stand up and wait for a place. Some one had put it in the American Women's Club list as a quaint restaurant on the Paris quaisas yet untouched by Americans, so we had to wait forty-five minutes for a table." pg. 82

Situational irony is very much the currency of humor. It's format allows for an easy satirizing of culture, while not having such a potential for insulting someone. It does this because it usually describes a setting in which many people may sympathize or empathize, like the one above, without using potentially insulting dialogue.

Also on page 85, Mike uses the phrase, "a lovely piece" at least five times. Aside from annoying, this is bound to be a literary term somewhere in the universe, but I wouldn't know. It also shows that perhaps Mike is very protective of Brett around all of the other guys. He also seems pretty drunk. That'll do it too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not quite sure how the quote you provide is an example of situational irony.
