Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In a state of lethologica.

"What do you know about Lady Brett Ashley, Jake?"
"Her name's Lady Ashley. Brett's her own name. She's a nice girl," I said. "She's getting a divorce and she's going to marry Mike Campbell. He's over in Scotland now. Why?" pg. 46

Who needs a soap opera when you can read this book? The mysterious, twisted relationship of a woman, the sensitive, whiny friend, and an adventure in Europe complete with potential for adrenaline-pumping bull fighting are all the ingredients that would make even All My Children, One Life to Live, and As the World Turns jealous. With Jacob (which I am SO team Jacob, beeteedubs) pursuing a forbidden love, as we now find from his terse conversation with Robert, it becomes clearer the complexity of his relationship with Brett/Lady Ga -- Ashley. Also, Brett's alias begs the question of exactly how she got such a name. I'm feeling something SCANDALOUS coming on. That or my allergies. Either way, we all know the plot is bound to thicken due to massive pubescent-like bouts of angsty infatuation...and of course, God's thickener, corn starch.

Bonus points if you know what lethologica is without looking it up. You lose if you don't.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know! This makes me very sad. But I enjoyed your Lady Gaga reference immensely, and the Twilight reference was... smoothly executed.
    I should probably say something related to The Sun Also Rises.
    I'm also curious about the whole "Brett" thing. I'm wondering if it's just a rebellious thing. She seems the sort, and it IS the Roaring Twenties.
