Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"What are you eating?" I asked. "Mayonnaise," came the reply.


"No," I said, " I like this town and I go to Spain in the summertime."
"Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bull-fighters."
pg. 18

Already in this early stage of the book, Hemingway foreshadows that Cohn's time with this  "I" character is limited. It appears that this "I" person has a thing for Spain and bull-fighting. Not only is this intriguing, but it may lead to a new plot besides just Robert being ill-content and whiny in Paris. The only reason I ever would have caught such a device is because I read the summary on the back of the book which mentions him (I/Jake) heading off to Spain for a rousing ol' time with his lady friend where chaos and frivolity are sure to ensue! Let's watch! Or rather, read.

This reminds me of a video! For you visual learners out there, here's a bang-up definition of foreshadowing according to Hermione Granger! If you want to skip most of the other schtuff, I suggest starting at around 1:50. If you have about two hours on your hands I suggest you start with the first video of A Very Potter Musical and let 'er rip!

FYI, because I know you were wondering,
aperitif n. - a small drink of alcoholic liquor taken to stimulate the 
appetite before a meal.

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