Friday, July 9, 2010

With a soda on the side? I'm Ron Burgundy?

IMAGERY, round 2

"It was hot, but the town had a cool, fresh, early-morning smell and it was pleasant sitting in the cafe. A breeze started to blow, and you could feel that the air came from the sea. There were pigeons out in the square, and the houses were a yellow, sun-baked color, and I did not want to leave the cafe." pg. 97

This stuck out to me due to the contrast when compared with the first excerpt of imagery I chose. This was a radical shift (well, about as radical as this book ever gets) from the dark, gloomy, and brooding Paris night scenes to a much more lively, fresher, sunnier setting. It seems also, that the setting stays much more "happy/carefree" while the characters roam about the Spanish countryside.

"We passed the bull-ring, high and white and concrete-looking in the sun, and then came into the big square by a side street and stopped in front of the Hotel Montoya." pg. 100

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

"Why I felt that impulse to devil him I do not know. Of course I do know. I was blind, unforgivingly jealous of what had happened to him. The fact that I took it as a matter of course did not alter that any. I certainly did hate him. I do not think I ever really hated him until he had that little spell of superiority at lunch - that and when he went through all that barbering. So I put the telegram in my pocket. The telegram came to me, anyway." pg. 105

No, tell me how you really feel. Another shift of this chapter is Jake's sudden hatred of his long-time friend, Robert, all because he for once had an air of superiority around him? Goodness.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought of Inigo Montoya.

    I feel like Jake's sudden hatred has less to do with the superiority at lunch and more to do with Brett, but I'm no Dr. Phil.
